Abstracts Submission



The theme of this year's conference is " Nursing Power to change the World! ". We invite abstract submissions that align with this theme and address the diverse challenges and opportunities facing nursing professionals today.

We encourage nursing professionals, researchers, educators, students, and practitioners to participate in our call for abstracts. Together, let's advance the knowledge and practice of nursing to improve patient care and outcomes worldwide.

Abstract submission is also open to undergraduate student nurses. Undergrads, it's your time to shine at the ICN 2025 Congress! Submit your eposter abstract and make your mark on the global nursing stage!


Submit your abstract here


Abstract Submission deadline

Webinar on Abstract Submission:

We are excited to announce that we had almost 400 participants on our webinar which was designed to provide valuable information regarding the Abstract Submission process for the ICN Congress in Helsinki 2025. Please find the webinar below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us here.




Access our Frequently Asked Questions here


Important dates:


Abstract submission open

2 August 2024

Abstract submission webinar

7 August 2024

Abstract submission deadline

30 September 2024

Notification of acceptance

by the end of November 2024


Click here for Abstract themes and subthemes


Submission guidelines:

We welcome abstract submissions for oral presentations and ePosters presentations. Abstracts should be structured and include the following sections:

  1. Title: Ensure it is concise and descriptive of the study or project.
  2. Authors: Provide full names and affiliations of all authors.
  3. Content: Include background, methods, results, conclusions


Submission process:

Abstracts must be submitted electronically through the Submission Page which will be available on 2 August 2024. Please ensure that abstracts adhere to the specified formatting guidelines and languages. Submissions will undergo expert review, and acceptance notifications will be sent by the end of November 2024. 


Benefits of participation:

  • Opportunity to present your research to a global audience of nursing professionals.
  • Networking with peers, experts, and leaders in the field.
  • Access to cutting-edge research and best practices in nursing.








Accepted papers and posters will be encouraged to submit their manuscript to International Nursing Review, the official journal of ICN. Information about the submission process and aims and scope of the journal can be found here.
Please feel free to contact the journal editor inreditor@icn.ch.