Abstract Submission

Deadline of submission: by midnight CEST 30 September 2024

Important: Author/s will not be able to modify the abstract once it has been submitted. Please note that only abstract submissions in English, French and Spanish will be reviewed

Enter your email address*

This email will be used to save your application progress once your press “Save” on the bottom of the form. If you saved your application before, please enter your email and click on “Reload”



First name


Last name *

Affiliated NNA


Contact phone number with country code


Position/Job title *

Name of your organization/education institution *

Type of organization/educational institution


Education level


Language of your abstract*

Choose the sub-theme and the key area of your abstract. Check here for the list of sub-themes and key areas.


Authors and co-authors (a maximum of six co-authors may submit a joint abstract) *

Title of your abstract *

Your abstract content (maximum 2500 characters with spaces)


Keywords *

Are you submitting an abstract as an undergraduate student nurse?


Please select your preferred type of presentation.
The ICN 2025 Scientific Committee reserves the right to reclassify submitted abstracts into the most appropriate presentation type


Submission agreement
