A person who is not a member of an ICN member organization may only submit an abstract as a joint author/presenter with a person who is a member of an ICN member organization. Please check the ICN member list here: https://www.icn.ch/membership/our-members It is acceptable to present published work in the Congress, but we highly recommend the abstract should include certain new material and updates on the research project. You will need to be registered by February 28, 2025 in order to validate your e-poster selection. However, the PDF and audio file can be uploaded until April 30, 2025. Yes, references are part of the character count. Yes, you can. We welcome authors to submit more than one abstract. Please find more information in the call for abstract (https://aio-files.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/ICN-CallForAbstract-2025-EN-3.pdf) Yes, you can. You are recommended to present a preliminary analysis of your research and to inform the audience about your study. There is a newly created abstract category for undergraduate submission this year. Undergraduate student nurses are welcome to submit an abstract for the ICN 2025 Congress and indicate their student status on the submission platform. Unfortunately, this does not include recent graduate nurses. We recommend authors to submit their abstracts under the undergraduate category if they are undergraduate student nurses at the time of submission. No, master and PhD student submissions are not under the undergraduate category. Yes, undergraduate student nurses can be main authors of an abstract. No, it is not necessary for undergraduate student nurses to be NNA members to submit an abstract. Yes, abstracts can be presented in the three ICN working languages (English, French, and Spanish). Unfortunately not, but you will have a discount being a member of an ICN member. Authors are also welcome to submit abstracts about case studies, descriptions of a nurse-led project, and clinical best practices, etc. 30-sept-24 You can state your presentation preference on the submission platform. The ICN 2025 Scientific Committee reserves the right to reclassify submitted abstracts into the most appropriate presentation type. Authors will be notified of acceptance by November. There is a robust scoring system for abstract review. The key evaluation criteria include the impact of the research on knowledge and practice, clarity of the abstract, innovation of the topic, and the significance of the recommendations and conclusion. We also ensure each abstract will be reviewed by at least three nursing experts in the area to which you submit the abstract. Authors are expected to present physically. Those whose abstracts are accepted must register for the Congress by midnight CET 28 February 2025. Accepted abstracts will be eliminated from the programme after this date if registration and fee payment have not been received. It is recommended to include references in abstracts. |