Call for Symposium Proposals



Submit your symposium proposal here


Submission rules:

We welcome proposals for symposia of the following types:

  1. Abstract-based symposia: a linked series of abstracts around a specific theme
  2. Workshops: a specific, action-oriented purpose and aim to generate some concrete answers to current problems in the field
  3. Other 
  • Session length – 60 minutes, format – in person
  • Proposals will only be accepted from ICN members and partners.
  • Symposia may be hosted in English, Spanish or French.

Please submit your symposium proposal by 30 September 2024. No further proposal submissions will be accepted after this date.


Submission guidelines:

Before you begin, please prepare the following information:

  • Presenting speakers’ and chairs’ contact details
  • Session title must be in UPPER CASE and limited to 25 words. Symbols are counted as words.
  • Session description should be limited to 250 words.
  • Topic should be selected per the list of sub-themes.
  • Brief information on how the session might run and innovative aspects of the symposium limited to 300 words.
  • Potential outcomes from the symposium limited to 300 words.
  • The number of suggested speakers for abstract-based symposia can be from 4 to 6 speakers, for workshops and other types of symposia – up to 5 speakers.
  • For abstract-based symposia please also add titles of the presentations of suggested speakers limited to 25 words.


Submission process:

Abstracts must be submitted electronically through the Submission Page which will be available on 2 August 2024. Please ensure that abstracts adhere to the specified formatting guidelines and languages. Submissions will undergo expert review, and acceptance notifications will be sent by the end of November 2024.