In this Masterclass, participants will: • Review the concepts of wound care and skin closures • Learn about principles and techniques for wound closure, such as normal vs abnormal wound healing, deep and superficial wound closure techniques, wound closure technique, and material selection • Perform simple suturing and knot tying techniques on wound/skin models (e.g. purse string sutures, running sutures, simple interrupted sutures, mattress sutures for deep wound closure, etc.)
This is a hands-on Masterclass for nurses who wish to advance their clinical skills.
Language: English Audience: Advanced Practice Nurses, general nurses with an interest in learning suturing for their clinical practice. Outcome: For nurses to refresh their knowledge of wounds and wound healing. To develop an understanding of methods of wound closure Perform simple suturing and knot tying techniques.
Time: 13th June - 10:30-12:00 13th June - 12:30-14:00 Partner organizations: Laurea University of Applied Sciences
The evolving global landscape has created a more complex nursing environment, with patients/clients, and healthcare staff coming from diverse backgrounds. This diversity has led to conflicts between patients/clients and healthcare providers, often stemming from miscommunication and misunderstandings. Additionally, the varied health needs of migrants can further contribute to conflicts in healthcare settings.
This Masterclass offers an introduction to Cultural Mediator training, designed to enhance healthcare professionals' cultural sensitivity skills. It also highlights the crucial role of cultural mediators in bridging gaps and fostering trust between service providers and service users.
Through simulated case studies and small group discussions, we will explore the work of cultural mediators in practice.
Language: English Audience: All participants Outcome: Participants will view diversity as a strength in healthcare and be more inclined to integrate cultural mediators into their work.
Time: TBC Partner organizations: SANOFI/ ICN
Join this high-impact, interdisciplinary masterclass led by top experts in immunization and patient communication. This interactive, simulation-driven session will equip nurses with the latest scientific insights on infants RSV and flu immunisation while providing powerful tools to overcome vaccine hesitancy. Through real-world case studies and motivational interviewing techniques, participants will gain the confidence to advocate for prevention across diverse patient populations. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to elevate your practice and make a lasting impact! Please register for one of the 2 leading sessions about specific population: Elderly or Paediatric.
Language: English Audience: All participants
Times: 11th June - 10:30-11:30 11th June 16:00-17:00 Partner organizations:
This interactive session will provide an overview of the nurse-led resuscitation protocol used for in-hospital cardiac arrest. Participants will engage in a simulation-based exercise to apply these protocols in a realistic clinical scenario, enhancing their decision-making and hands-on skills in emergency response. The session will conclude with a structured debriefing, allowing participants to reflect on their performance, discuss key takeaways, and identify areas for improvement.
Language: English Audience: All nurses interested in resuscitation skills and nurse led resuscitation protocol.
Time: 10th June 12:00-13:00 10th June 16:00-17:00 Partner organizations:
In this session, the aetiology of pressure ulcer will be described and presented with illustrations. The latest research of this topic will be presented.
This is a hands-on workshop on PU/PI risks where evidence-based prevention methods with bedridden patients will be demonstrated. Facial area medical device related PU/PI risks and prevention methods are presented by two Authorized Wound Care Nurses who have tens of years of experience of PU/PI prevention in clinical practice.
Language: English (can be explained in Finnish) Audience: All nurses working with patients of all age groups, in any setting. Outcome: To improve knowledge and in increase skills in PU/PI prevention.
Time: 12th June - 10:30-11:30 Partner organizations: Comité d’Entente des Formations Infirmières et Cadres (CEFIEC) FRANCE
Effective nursing leadership is a key issue in today's healthcare environment, in line with the UN's sustainable development goals. Achieving this goal is one of the four pillars of the WHO's strategic plan, which has been translated into action by the organization's regional offices. To achieve this goal, we need to start developing the skills and competence required for effective leadership as early as undergraduate nursing education, with a stronger focus on clinical leadership. The nursing literature is rich in evidence identifying effective strategies for integrating this theme into undergraduate nursing programs.
Language: French Audience: Nurses, nurse educators, nurse preceptors, nursing students. Outcome: Promote nursing leadership skills and competence development in undergraduate nursing programs.
Time: 11th June 12:00-13:00 Partner organizations: Comité d’Entente des Formations Infirmières et Cadres (CEFIEC) France and Association Bourguignonne des Acteurs de la Simulation en Santé (ABASS)
Simulation has been identified as an effective teaching method for developing the skills of nursing students. However, the implementation of simulation, particularly high-fidelity simulation, requires multiple resources: equipment, human resources, premises, etc. Even a growing number of schools of nursing throughout the world introduced simulation laboratories in their premise, many do not have resources available to achieve this aim. This is frequently the case in low incomes countries or in schools of nursing located in rural areas far from university campuses. In view of the expected benefits in terms of competence (clinical as well as non-technical) development and considering the constraints imposed on these resource-constrained environments, it is necessary to identify what strategies can be employed to make this teaching method accessible to students.
Language: French Audience: Nurses, nurse educators, nurse preceptors, nursing students working/studying in resource-constrained environments. Outcome: Promote the implementation of strategies for making simulation accessible to undergraduate nursing students in resource-constrained environments.
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