Symposium Submission

Deadline of submission: by midnight CEST 30 September 2024

Important: You will not be able to modify the submission once it has been submitted.

Enter your email address*

This email will be used to save your application progress once your press “Save” on the bottom of the form. If you saved your application before, please enter your email and click on “Reload”

Secondary email

Name of contact person for the submission


Position *

Name of NNA, affiliate or partner organization(s) submitting the proposal *

Presenters - Names, titles and contact information of the proposed presenters (affiliation and e-mail) *

Related subthemes *

Session title *

Session description – up to 2500 characters with spaces *

Session agenda - up to 2500 characters with spaces


Expected outcomes - up to 1000 characters with spaces *

Session language *

Preferred session length *