Address: Haartmaninkatu 4, Helsinki
Distance from Messukeskus 3 km.
Welcome to Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cancer Unit S4A and S4B. These two wards are both located on the 4th floor. S4A is focused on soft tissue sarcoma, neuroendocrine, prostate and head and neck cancers. Treatments include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy as well as radioisotope treatments. We provide support to the treatment-related infections, pain and side effects, and we have also hospice patients in our unit. In the cancer unit S4B, we specifically treat people with lymphoma, sarcoma and testicular cancer. We provide chemotherapy and antibody treatments in and treat infections, pain and anemia, among other things. We also perform autologous stem cell transplants. Some patients come for examinations and treatment planning.
Max number of participants: 15
Minimum number of participants: 10
How many groups: One group
Language of the visit: English
Visit starts at 10.00.
Visit ends at 12.00.